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Locators 2.1.0+

A locator is a representation of an element or a number of elements. Every locator is defined by a string called a selector. Vitest abstracts this selector by providing convenient methods that generate those selectors behind the scenes.

The locator API uses a fork of Playwright's locators called Ivya. However, Vitest provides this API to every provider.


function getByRole(
  role: ARIARole | string,
  options?: LocatorByRoleOptions,
): Locator

Creates a way to locate an element by its ARIA role, ARIA attributes and accessible name.


If you only query for a single element with getByText('The name') it's oftentimes better to use getByRole(expectedRole, { name: 'The name' }). The accessible name query does not replace other queries such as *ByAltText or *ByTitle. While the accessible name can be equal to these attributes, it does not replace the functionality of these attributes.

Consider the following DOM structure.

<h3>Sign up</h3>
  <input type="text" />
  <input type="password" />

You can locate each element by its implicit role:

await expect.element(
  page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Sign up' })

await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Login' }).fill('admin')
await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Password' }).fill('admin')

await page.getByRole('button', { name: /submit/i }).click()


Roles are matched by string equality, without inheriting from the ARIA role hierarchy. As a result, querying a superclass role like checkbox will not include elements with a subclass role like switch.

By default, many semantic elements in HTML have a role; for example, <input type="radio"> has the "radio" role. Non-semantic elements in HTML do not have a role; <div> and <span> without added semantics return null. The role attribute can provide semantics.

Providing roles via role or aria-* attributes to built-in elements that already have an implicit role is highly discouraged by ARIA guidelines.

  • exact: boolean

    Whether the name is matched exactly: case-sensetive and whole-string. Disabled by default. This option is ignored if name is a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.

    <button>Hello World</button>
    page.getByRole('button', { name: 'hello world' }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('button', { name: 'hello world', exact: true }) // ❌
    page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Hello World', exact: true }) // ✅
  • checked: boolean

    Should checked elements (set by aria-checked or <input type="checkbox"/>) be included or not. By default, the filter is not applied.

    See aria-checked for more information

      <button role="checkbox" aria-checked="true" />
      <input type="checkbox" checked />
    page.getByRole('checkbox', { checked: true }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('checkbox', { checked: false }) // ❌
  • disabled: boolean

    Should disabled elements be included or not. By default, the filter is not applied. Note that unlike other attributes, disable state is inherited.

    See aria-disabled for more information

    <input type="text" disabled />
    page.getByRole('textbox', { disabled: true }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('textbox', { disabled: false }) // ❌
  • expanded: boolean

    Should expanded elements be included or not. By default, the filter is not applied.

    See aria-expanded for more information

    <a aria-expanded="true" href="">Link</a>
    page.getByRole('link', { expanded: true }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('link', { expanded: false }) // ❌
  • includeHidden: boolean

    Should elements that are normally excluded from the accessibility tree be queried. By default, only non-hidden elements are matched by role selector.

    Note that roles none and presentation are always included.

    <button style="display: none" />
    page.getByRole('button') // ❌
    page.getByRole('button', { includeHidden: false }) // ❌
    page.getByRole('button', { includeHidden: true }) // ✅
  • level: number

    A number attribute that is usually present for heading, listitem, row, treeitem roles with default values for <h1>-<h6> elements. By default, the filter is not applied.

    See aria-level for more information

      <h1>Heading Level One</h1>
      <div role="heading" aria-level="1">Second Heading Level One</div>
    page.getByRole('heading', { level: 1 }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('heading', { level: 2 }) // ❌
  • name: string | RegExp

    An accessible name. By default, matching is case-insensitive and searches for a substring. Use exact option to control this behavior.

    <button>Click Me!</button>
    page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Click Me!' }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('button', { name: 'click me!' }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Click Me?' }) // ❌
  • pressed: boolean

    Should pressed elements be included or not. By default, the filter is not applied.

    See aria-pressed for more information

    <button aria-pressed="true">👍</button>
    page.getByRole('button', { pressed: true }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('button', { pressed: false }) // ❌
  • selected: boolean

    Should selected elements be included or not. By default, the filter is not applied.

    See aria-selected for more information

    <button role="tab" aria-selected="true">Vue</button>
    page.getByRole('button', { selected: true }) // ✅
    page.getByRole('button', { selected: false }) // ❌
See also


function getByAltText(
  text: string | RegExp,
  options?: LocatorOptions,
): Locator

Creates a locator capable of finding an element with an alt attribute that matches the text. Unlike testing-library's implementation, Vitest will match any element that has a matching alt attribute.

<img alt="Incredibles 2 Poster" src="/incredibles-2.png" />

page.getByAltText(/incredibles.*? poster/i) // ✅
page.getByAltText('non existing alt text') // ❌


  • exact: boolean

    Whether the text is matched exactly: case-sensetive and whole-string. Disabled by default. This option is ignored if text is a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.

See also


function getByLabelText(
  text: string | RegExp,
  options?: LocatorOptions,
): Locator

Creates a locator capable of finding an element that has an assosiated label.

The page.getByLabelText('Username') locator will find every input in the example bellow:

// for/htmlFor relationship between label and form element id
<label for="username-input">Username</label>
<input id="username-input" />

// The aria-labelledby attribute with form elements
<label id="username-label">Username</label>
<input aria-labelledby="username-label" />

// Wrapper labels
<label>Username <input /></label>

// Wrapper labels where the label text is in another child element
  <input />

// aria-label attributes
// Take care because this is not a label that users can see on the page,
// so the purpose of your input must be obvious to visual users.
<input aria-label="Username" />


  • exact: boolean

    Whether the text is matched exactly: case-sensetive and whole-string. Disabled by default. This option is ignored if text is a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.

See also


function getByPlaceholder(
  text: string | RegExp,
  options?: LocatorOptions,
): Locator

Creates a locator capable of finding an element that has the specified placeholder attribute. Vitest will match any element that has a matching placeholder attribute, not just input.

<input placeholder="Username" />

page.getByPlaceholder('Username') // ✅
page.getByPlaceholder('not found') // ❌


It is generally better to rely on a label using getByLabelText than a placeholder.


  • exact: boolean

    Whether the text is matched exactly: case-sensetive and whole-string. Disabled by default. This option is ignored if text is a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.

See also


function getByText(
  text: string | RegExp,
  options?: LocatorOptions,
): Locator

Creates a locator capable of finding an element that contains the specified text. The text will be matched against TextNode's nodeValue or input's value if the type is button or reset. Matching by text always normalizes whitespace, even with exact match. For example, it turns multiple spaces into one, turns line breaks into spaces and ignores leading and trailing whitespace.

<a href="/about">About ℹ️</a>

page.getByText(/about/i) // ✅
page.getByText('about', { exact: true }) // ❌


This locator is useful for locating non-interactive elements. If you need to locate an interactive element, like a button or an input, prefer getByRole.


  • exact: boolean

    Whether the text is matched exactly: case-sensetive and whole-string. Disabled by default. This option is ignored if text is a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.

See also


function getByTitle(
  text: string | RegExp,
  options?: LocatorOptions,
): Locator

Creates a locator capable of finding an element that has the specified title attribute. Unlike testing-library's getByTitle, Vitest cannot find title elements within an SVG.

<span title="Delete" id="2"></span>

page.getByTitle('Delete') // ✅
page.getByTitle('Create') // ❌


  • exact: boolean

    Whether the text is matched exactly: case-sensetive and whole-string. Disabled by default. This option is ignored if text is a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.

See also


function getByTestId(text: string | RegExp): Locator

Creates a locator capable of finding an element that matches the specified test id attribute. You can configure the attribute name with browser.locators.testIdAttribute.

<div data-testid="custom-element" />

page.getByTestId('custom-element') // ✅
page.getByTestId('non-existing-element') // ❌


It is recommended to use this only after the other locators don't work for your use case. Using data-testid attributes does not resemble how your software is used and should be avoided if possible.


  • exact: boolean

    Whether the text is matched exactly: case-sensetive and whole-string. Disabled by default. This option is ignored if text is a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.

See also


All methods are asynchronous and must be awaited. Since Vitest 3, tests will fail if a method is not awaited.


function click(options?: UserEventClickOptions): Promise<void>

Click on an element. You can use the options to set the cursor position.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

await page.getByRole('img', { name: 'Rose' }).click()


function dblClick(options?: UserEventDoubleClickOptions): Promise<void>

Triggers a double click event on an element. You can use the options to set the cursor position.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

await page.getByRole('img', { name: 'Rose' }).dblClick()


function tripleClick(options?: UserEventTripleClickOptions): Promise<void>

Triggers a triple click event on an element. Since there is no tripleclick in browser api, this method will fire three click events in a row.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

await page.getByRole('img', { name: 'Rose' }).tripleClick()


function clear(): Promise<void>

Clears the input element content.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Full Name' }).clear()


function hover(options?: UserEventHoverOptions): Promise<void>

Moves the cursor position to the selected element.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

await page.getByRole('img', { name: 'Rose' }).hover()


function unhover(options?: UserEventHoverOptions): Promise<void>

This works the same as locator.hover, but moves the cursor to the document.body element instead.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

await page.getByRole('img', { name: 'Rose' }).unhover()


function fill(text: string, options?: UserEventFillOptions): Promise<void>

Sets the value of the current input, textarea or conteneditable element.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

await page.getByRole('input', { name: 'Full Name' }).fill('Mr. Bean')


function dropTo(
  target: Locator,
  options?: UserEventDragAndDropOptions,
): Promise<void>

Drags the current element to the target location.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

const paris = page.getByText('Paris')
const france = page.getByText('France')

await paris.dropTo(france)


function selectOptions(
    | HTMLElement
    | HTMLElement[]
    | Locator
    | Locator[]
    | string
    | string[],
  options?: UserEventSelectOptions,
): Promise<void>

Choose one or more values from a <select> element.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

const languages = page.getByRole('select', { name: 'Languages' })

await languages.selectOptions('EN')
await languages.selectOptions(['ES', 'FR'])
await languages.selectOptions([
  languages.getByRole('option', { name: 'Spanish' }),
  languages.getByRole('option', { name: 'French' }),


function screenshot(options: LocatorScreenshotOptions & { base64: true }): Promise<{
  path: string
  base64: string
function screenshot(options?: LocatorScreenshotOptions & { base64?: false }): Promise<string>

Creates a screenshot of the element matching the locator's selector.

You can specify the save location for the screenshot using the path option, which is relative to the current test file. If the path option is not set, Vitest will default to using browser.screenshotDirectory (__screenshot__ by default), along with the names of the file and the test to determine the screenshot's filepath.

If you also need the content of the screenshot, you can specify base64: true to return it alongside the filepath where the screenshot is saved.

import { page } from '@vitest/browser/context'

const button = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Click Me!' })

const path = await button.screenshot()

const { path, base64 } = await button.screenshot({
  path: './button-click-me.png',
  base64: true, // also return base64 string
// path - fullpath to the screenshot
// bas64 - base64 encoded string of the screenshot


function query(): Element | null

This method returns a single element matching the locator's selector or null if no element is found.

If multilple elements match the selector, this method will throw an error. Use .elements() when you need all matching DOM Elements or .all() if you need an array of locators matching the selector.

Consider the following DOM structure:

<div>Hello <span>World</span></div>

These locators will not throw an error:

page.getByText('Hello World').query() // ✅ HTMLDivElement
page.getByText('Hello Germany').query() // ✅ null
page.getByText('World').query() // ✅ HTMLSpanElement
page.getByText('Hello', { exact: true }).query() // ✅ HTMLSpanElement

These locators will throw an error:

// returns multiple elements
page.getByText('Hello').query() // ❌
page.getByText(/^Hello/).query() // ❌


function element(): Element

This method returns a single element matching the locator's selector.

If no element matches the selector, an error is thrown. Consider using .query() when you just need to check if the element exists.

If multiple elements match the selector, an error is thrown. Use .elements() when you need all matching DOM Elements or .all() if you need an array of locators matching the selector.


This method can be useful if you need to pass it down to an external library. It is called automatically when locator is used with expect.element every time the assertion is retried:

await expect.element(page.getByRole('button')).toBeDisabled()

Consider the following DOM structure:

<div>Hello <span>World</span></div>
<div>Hello Germany</div>

These locators will not throw an error:

page.getByText('Hello World').element() // ✅
page.getByText('Hello Germany').element() // ✅
page.getByText('World').element() // ✅
page.getByText('Hello', { exact: true }).element() // ✅

These locators will throw an error:

// returns multiple elements
page.getByText('Hello').element() // ❌
page.getByText(/^Hello/).element() // ❌

// returns no elements
page.getByText('Hello USA').element() // ❌


function elements(): Element[]

This method returns an array of elements matching the locator's selector.

This function never throws an error. If there are no elements matching the selector, this method will return an empty array.

Consider the following DOM structure:

<div>Hello <span>World</span></div>

These locators will always succeed:

page.getByText('Hello World').elements() // ✅ [HTMLElement]
page.getByText('World').elements() // ✅ [HTMLElement]
page.getByText('Hello', { exact: true }).elements() // ✅ [HTMLElement]
page.getByText('Hello').element() // ✅ [HTMLElement, HTMLElement]
page.getByText('Hello USA').elements() // ✅ []


function all(): Locator[]

This method returns an array of new locators that match the selector.

Internally, this method calls .elements and wraps every element using page.elementLocator.

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